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Shampoo Ginger(Awaphui)

Shampoo Ginger(Awaphui)

Regular price ₦12,000.00 NGN
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Shampoo ginger  is a tropical plant known for its fragrant flowers and the traditional use of its rhizomes in hair care. Here’s a comprehensive care guide covering each aspect of growing shampoo ginger:

Site Selection:
- **Light:** Shampoo ginger plants prefer partial shade to full shade. They thrive under the canopy of taller trees or in filtered sunlight.
- **Temperature:** They prefer warm temperatures 
- **Humidity:** High humidity levels are beneficial for shampoo ginger plants.

Soil Preparation:
- Use a well-draining, fertile soil rich in organic matter.
- Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH (around 6.0 to 7.0).
- Improve soil drainage if necessary, as shampoo ginger does not tolerate waterlogged conditions.

- Plant shampoo ginger rhizomes or divisions in spring after the last frost date.
- Dig a hole slightly larger than the rhizome or root ball.
- Place the rhizome or division with the growing tips just below the soil surface.
- Space plants about 2-3 feet apart to allow for spreading.

- Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
- Water regularly during dry periods, especially in the absence of rainfall.
- Reduce watering slightly in winter when growth slows down.

- Shampoo ginger plants prefer partial shade to full shade. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves.
- Filtered sunlight or dappled shade under trees is ideal.

- Feed shampoo ginger plants with a balanced fertilizer or rich compost during the growing season
- Apply fertilizer according to package instructions, as over-fertilizing can lead to lush foliage but fewer flowers.

- Apply a layer of organic mulch (such as shredded bark or compost) around the base of shampoo ginger plants.
- Mulch helps retain soil moisture, suppresses weeds, and adds nutrients to the soil as it breaks down.
- Keep mulch a few inches away from the rhizomes to prevent rotting.

Pest and Disease Management:
- Shampoo ginger plants are generally pest-resistant but can occasionally attract aphids or spider mites.
- Inspect plants regularly for pests and treat infestations with insecticidal soap or neem oil if necessary.
- Ensure good air circulation around plants to prevent fungal diseases.

- Harvest shampoo ginger rhizomes when they reach a mature size, usually after 9-12 months of growth.
- To use for shampoo or hair care, peel and crush the rhizomes to release their fragrant oils.
- Flowers can also be harvested for decorative purposes.

By following these care guidelines, you can successfully grow shampoo ginger plants and enjoy their fragrant flowers and useful rhizomes in your garden or as container specimens in your home.

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